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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars

Workplace Mental Health Seminars

At Bodycare Workplace Solutions, proactive workplace injury prevention is our business. We have seen firsthand how poor physical condition can impact our minds. We also know the reverse to be true. We are passionate about the connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind and aim to provide our partners with proactive tools to ensure their workforce remains safe, fit and healthy…in every aspect.

Why is Workplace Mental Health Training Important?

It is estimated that at any point in time, one in five working age people will experience mental ill-health and 45 per cent of Australians will experience a mental health or substance-use disorder in their lifetime.

It is also estimated that Mental Health costs Australian businesses $12.8 billion per year. Given these alarming statistics, this is an issue that workplaces (and society) can no longer afford to ignore.

The good news is that evidence-based prevention programs which can create a Mentally Healthy Workplace have been shown to produce a positive return on investment of between will create a return on investment of $1.50-$4.00 Not to mention the positive impact these initiatives will have on individuals and organisations through greater employee engagement, reduced turnover, improved  productivity and positive workplace culture.

How Can Managers Support Employee Mental Health?

Supporting mental health issues in the workplace and creating mentally healthy workplaces can be achieved in several different ways. Some of our programs are listed below, but just like we are all different, so are organisations and we know that one size does not fit all.

A tailored workplace mental health program may be best for your organisation. At Bodycare, offer comprehensive programs to  raise awareness about mental wellbeing and specialised programs focused on pro­viding individuals with the tools to thrive and flourish at work.

Whatever your needs, using our team of experts in this field, we can create a program to ensure you are being proactive about the mental health of your workforce.

Our Mental Health Seminars:

  • This session is designed for Executive teams, to highlight the importance of addressing mental health problems in the workplace and the potential costs to the business if they are ignored. We look at how mental health can be supported at work and the framework for achieving this. ​

    . A key focus of this session is the role that workplace leaders have in improving awareness and understanding of mental health problems and contributing to the reduction of stigma and creation of mentally healthy workplaces.

    Duration: 1.5 hours

    This session explores the following:

    • The prevalence of mental health problems in your workplace​
    • Legal obligations​, outlining llegislative requirements of Workplace Health and Safety; Discrimination and Privacy laws with regard to mental health​
    • The financial cost and the human cost of not addressing mental health ​
    • The role of a leader how Leadership support can drive change
    • Equipping managers to support employee mental health​
    • How to create a Mentally Healthy workplace​
  • This session is designed for managers and supervisors, to equip them with the skills to recognise mental health conditions in the workplace; to build confidence to initiate a discussion; form a management plan and provide ongoing support.. A key focus of this session is how to have a mental health conversation once signs have been recognised. This seminar includes a customised case study relevant to the given working environment.

    Duration: 3 hours

    This session explores the following:

    • Introduction to Common Mental Health Problems in the workplace ​
    • Legal rights and responsibility of managers under the WHS, Disability and Privacy legislation​
    • Common psychological risks in the workplace and how to manage these​
    • Signs and symptoms of common mental health problems​
    • Crisis Intervention and support​
    • Tips for starting a conversation​
    • Supporting someone with a mental health condition​
    • Resources & support for managers​
  • This general awareness session provides a comprehensive introduction to mental health. We discuss the difference between everyday stress and mental illness, how to identify when you or someone else might need mental health support, tips for starting a mental health conversation with someone you’re concerned about, where and how to access help, and what to expect when you reach out for support.

    Duration: 1 hour

    This session explores the following:

    • Introduction to Common Mental Health Problems in the workplace ​
    • Mental health versus mental illness ​
    • Warning signs to look out for and the different ways in which a mental health problem may present in the workplace​
    • Pathways for Support​: where and how to access help if you or someone you know needs support​
    • Checking in with someone at work: what to notice, say & do if you are concerned ​
    • Resources​
  • This 1-day workshop provides comprehensive mental health training for managers and supervisors, equipping them with skills to recognise mental health conditions in the workplace; to build confidence to initiate a discussion; form a management plan and provide ongoing support. This workshop is more comprehensive than our 3-hour People Leader session with theoretical application and stronger emphasis on practical learning, utilising case studies, group discussion and activities. ​

    Duration: 6 hours

    This session explores the following:

    • Prevalence of mental health problems in the Australian workforce​
    • Discussion around stigma and the impact on disclosure​
    • Recognising common mental illnesses​
    • Crisis management​
    • How to support a colleague who is experiencing a mental health crisis​
    • Legal rights and responsibility of managers under the WHS, Disability and Privacy legislation​
    • Common psychological risks in the workplace and how to manage these​
    • Mental Health conversations​: tips for starting a conversation – What to say and what not to say ​
    • Providing ongoing support​
    • Resources & support for managers
  • Our Micro Wellbeing Webinars are designed to be delivered virtually so your team can stay connected wherever they are. These 30-minute sessions comprise 25 minutes of content followed by 5 minutes of question time.

    The mental health webinars provide a snapshot into common mental health problems and provide strategies to support your own mental health as well as ways to support others who may be struggling with their mental health.

    Duration: 30 minutes

    We have eight mental health webinar topics to choose from:

    • Strategies to manage stress
    • How do I know when it’s time to get support for my mental health?
    • Tips to start a mental health conversation
    • Strategies to support your mental health
    • The mental health benefits of exercise
    • The mental health benefits of Gratitude
    • Mindfulness Meditation…how sitting still can change the structure of your brain
    • Creating connections – tackling our loneliness epidemic

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Contact us now to learn more about our Mental Health and Wellbeing Seminars and Training