Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

Functional Movement Screen (FMS)
A Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a series of standardised tests used to assess a worker’s functional and fundamental movement patterns. This type of functional assessment test can be used to highlight an individual’s potential risk of sustaining a musculoskeletal disorder.
Musculoskeletal injuries can negatively affect an individual’s productivity in the workplace, as well as their personal wellbeing, which is why it is imperative to monitor their functional capacity to ensure that preventive measures can be implemented where applicable.

Why Functional Movement Screens?
A Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a scientifically validated screening tool that identifies individuals who may have an increased risk of sustaining a musculoskeletal disorder. The FMS is administered by a Trained Health Professional who specialises in movement analysis.
A FMS is a simple and practical method for discovering movement patterns which are problematic and can lead to musculoskeletal disorders.
This type of functional assessment captures fundamental and functional movement patterns and can be used to highlight weaknesses, imbalances, limitations or asymmetries in an individual.
FMS are delivered within the workplace and are a great tool that can be used to understand the health risk profile of a given workforce.

What is involved in a Functional Movement Screen?
A Functional Movement Screen comprises seven movements that quickly and effectively screen core strength, coordination, flexibility and dynamic stability, including:
- Deep Squat
- Hurdle Step
- In-line Lunge
- Shoulder Mobility
- Active Straight Leg Raise
- Trunk Stability Push Up
- Rotary Stability
During the screen, movement pattern quality is graded using a validated scoring system. Following on from the screen, corrective exercises are taught within the session to target individual movement dysfunction.
If pain is noted, corrective exercises are not given to the worker. In this case, a detailed evaluation from a physiotherapist or medical professional is recommended. Refer to Functional Capacity Evaluations for more information.
After the completion of a functional assessment, a report is prepared which documents aggregate scores, as well as the level of musculoskeletal risk posed to the business. This report can then be used to drive other functional and health promotion programs onsite such as strength, flexibility and conditioning programs.
The Benefits of a Functional Movement Screen

What is the difference between a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)?
A Functional Movement Screen is a series of standardised movements used to highlight any weaknesses, imbalances, limitations or asymmetries that an individual may have in relation to their functional movement patterns. This 20 min assessment arms the individual with exercises to address movement pattern dysfunction and arms the business with an understanding of the likelihood of their workers sustaining a musculoskeletal disorder.
A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a series of standardised tests used to assess a worker’s functional capacities for work and perform the inherent requirements of their role. An FCE is used to determine a person’s ability to perform the essential physical demands of a job and is widely used prior to an individual returning to work after a prolonged period away, due to injury or other factors. This 2 hour assessment is conducted by an occupational physiotherapist in a clinic and tailored to the individual case. Click here to learn more >>
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